Friday, October 16, 2015

Good Sunday Morning from Cole Harbour Nova Scotia! 

Last year I started to post a pic of my favourite time of the week to the Facebook group called Knitting. Sunday Morning is when I get 2.5 hours of uninterrupted TV time to watch my beloved Coronation Street, drink my favourite beverage (Tetley tea with sugar and tin milk) and knit. Nothing could be better in my  mind! The post pictured my view of the world that included my feet and my knitting and the TV and I would let everyone know what I was knitting and a bit about the weather in my small corner of the world. At some point, the good folks decided that we needed a group that was 'looser' in its rules so Knit & Chat was started as the sister group.   

I decided to branch out a little and start a blog - just to have some fun and chat about Corrie and knitting and tea (if I ever branch out and try another brand ;)). I hope to get your feedback, both positive and negative. 

I would like to talk about a company from Ontario Canada Tay River Creations (they are on FB too!!!). I have the pleasure of owning 2 darning eggs and a beautiful Stash Spinner.

The Stash Spinner (SS) is used to hold a cake of yarn and allow it to be pulled from the outside without chasing the cake all over the floor. It is an option to a yarn bowl. (I took a ceramics class to make a yarn bowl - more on that in another post). The SS is a single piece made up of a base and a post connected with a series of ball bearings that allow the yarn to be knit with minimum amount of effort of pulling from the cake. (Others I have used are in two pieces with no bearings (wood on wood) that resulted in the two pieces separating when I yanked on the yarn.) The base is solid and heavy, but not too heavy, it makes the base stable so the pulling doesn't take the SS across the floor.

The one I have is made of cherry and is finished to a satin smoothness. I love the feeling of wood that is polished and smooth. This is incredibly soft. The grain of the wood is obvious - I like that, it makes me happy! 

Someone posted on their FB page that their cat likes to watch the SS - bonus - it doubles as a cat toy! I don't own a cat so I cannot attest to this function while using the SS! 

I bought two egg darners - one for my daughter that knits and one for myself. Years ago I visited a place that made darning eggs that were actually just shaped like eggs, beautiful but nothing to hold onto. I tried to use it to darn the toe of a sock and the darn thing slipped all over the place. I vowed I would get one with a handle when the opportunity presented itself. 

So now I have one, the only thing is which will I choose?

These darning eggs on handles are weighed properly so that it feels nice in your hand, again the satiny smoothness to the finish is incredible. I am in love with the feel and the smoothness, did I mention that? One is made of maple and the other is laccewood, both very rugged woods.

The designer really put a lot of effort into getting these designs correct. Must come from having a knitter in the house ;).

Works of functional art. I love these items! Check them out!

Make your day beautiful!


  1. I will try and keep up with your blog. I have a hard time keeping up with things when I have to go to different sites to read them. I love your Sunday morning post on Facebook and look forward to them each week. I was wonderful to finally put a face to the feet. LOL I try to get my knitting in between work children I still have at home and 2 grandchildren living with us. Thank you for posting

    1. Thank you so much Jennifer. I understand the trials of having family around, our youngest is now 18, (when did that happen?). Enjoy your family!

  2. I so look forward to your posting in Knit and Chat each week! I have what you call a Stash Spinner, but mine is called a yarn buddy. I have a single and a double. My friend has one she bought from Finland and there they call them Yarn Dicks - for obvious reasons!

    1. That is very kind, thank you Vicki. I have used another one with yet another name, but this one is really super smooth to use. Yarn Dicks hey.....funny!

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, I have but it isn't strong enough, I might have to give it another go.

  4. Hi Sharon. Great blog. Love seeing you on Sunday mornings, now I have yet another treat to see.
    Needha (Houston, TX)

  5. Thank you for starting this blog. I have enjoyed your facebook posts and I look forward to your future blog posts.

    Patricia (Florida)

  6. I always love your Sunday posts on FB. So I will definitely be following along. I have that same colorful sheep mug. So when I use it I'm sure I'll think about you drinking your tea in yours. :)

    1. Maybe we can meet one day and have a toast in them!

  7. Hello Sharon, so appreciated your blog. Your Sunday posts help make my day. Looking forward to your future posts. Have a beautiful day!

  8. Thanks Sharon! I love reading your posts on K&C and now your blog. Cole Harbor looks like a beautiful place!

  9. I love your posts on fb. Looking forward to reading more of your blog. :)

  10. Congrats on the blog, can't wait to visit every Sunday morning.
    I'm an avid Corrie fan as well. I loved your photos from the Corrie set during your trip :)

    1. OHHHHH, another one...I have lots of other pics to share.....cannot wait for tmrw's episode!!!

  11. I enjoy your fb posts on Sundays. Funny I feel as if we are friends. I drink many teas but Salada. has been my standby since I was little. I live North of Boston Massachusetts so have a soft spot for Nova Scotia.

    1. THank you - I feel that way too. Isn't technology wonderful when it brings so many of us together! I"ll have to do a taste test at some point....

  12. Aww, very kind, thank you. The folks on K&C are the best, a wonderful group of new found friends!

  13. Love your blog debut and look forward to following. I bought a yarn holder from the U.S. as a gift, but will certainly check out Tay River next time.

    1. Nice to hear that! Thanks. I started a Fb page called Sunday Morning. Will post when I add a blog from there. If you like that page it should show up on your newsfeed.

  14. Hi Sharon I am in Australia and loved your post in knit and chat. so happy you have started a blog could you put a following button so i can keep up with your posts. Could not fine one here. Have a Fab weekeng

    1. Oh my a following button...more technical things I need to learn!! thank you for letting me know about that. I was asked earlier about a similar button and the best I can do for tonight is to direct you to my FB page called Sunday Morning. If you choose to like that page it will advise you when I post another blog.Thank you!
